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elektra sophokles monolog

What a bitter day today is! Wretched. Let her enjoy them. 360, And I don’t seek your glory, either. This place here, Orestes, this is where, you may say, is Mycenae, replete with wealth and this, the palace of the sons of Pelops, Agamemnon and Menelaos, replete with disasters. Can anyone even suggest anything to you? I know all the facts, my sister. Elektra She laughs! 1290. 350. Elektra I know, I know, but that’s because someone had come up to take care of lamenter of the ugly deed, whereas for me, there’s no one left any more. Again! Elektra Well, then, listen to what I think we should do. They say that if you don’t put an end to all this wailing they’ll send you to a dark cave somewhere where you’ll never see the light of the sun. Elektra But of course, since he was an exile without my own hands to help him…, Elektra The earth has covered him without a proper funeral and lamentations. Can’t you see? Chorus From whom tender care will later come. One horse crashed and smashed itself into another and in no time the whole plain of Crissa was littered with the wreckage of the chariots. Aegisthus What? Huh! Chorus Tell them below, voices, that their hearts do not lie in harmony! You know them all! Would you think that a dead man would accept such gifts from the woman who had murdered him? Everyone loves virtue and that’s the direction to which they turn their eyes. That “someone” is the Old Slave who comes out of the central palace gate and is angry with Elektra and Orestes. Ah! 910, Elektra O, my sweet sister! Elektra Oh, darling, after so many years you thought fit to take this most wonderful journey to come to me, a creature of much suffering, Don’t…. Dead in fiction, alive in truth and able to earn glory! Chrysothemis From whom? ), Chorus You’re quite right. Let that be the story. But it wasn’t just I alone who killed him. For ever day by day and night by night. Chorus Yet, let me insist, Elektra –like a loving, dependable mother, let me insist: don’t add suffering upon suffering. 450, Come, dear sister! How I wish these hands didn’t steal you away that day to save you! Chorus You are virtuous, Elektra and you respect Zeus. At least he is able to keep you in check – make it a little harder for you to shame your own folk outside your own gates. You think not but I think yes. I can see my own calamity before me! You, though, sister, begin to understand that you’re a weak woman and learn to obey our masters. For how long will you stand by and waiting? Elektra The words are good but the deeds are terrible! How can a fictional death hurt me? Aegisthus Are you afraid I might run away? 460. Enter Klytaemestra and her maid who is holding a basket of sacrificial items. Air, spread equally over the whole earth! Klytaemestra Tell me the message stranger. Oh! 1370. Aegisthus Does anyone of you know where the strangers from Phockis are? Elektra Run! Elektra Ah! And I, poor I, watch all this! You use no other excuse than the fact that your father is dead that I’m being cruel to you. But then, suddenly, Aenia’s unruly horses kept running against Aenia’s wish, dragging him and at the turning point of the end of the sixth round and the beginning of the seventh, they crashed headlong against the chariot from Barce. Talking is over, he says, and it is time to "do". 1000. Chrysothemis There could well have been but there’s no way of telling you. Alive to mourn far from your own home! Whom did she want to punish? Chrysothemis What do you mean? So tell me then. Chorus Darling, I’ve come here for your own good –yours and mine, but if you find that my words are wrong then, by all means, do act as you wish. Elektra Ah, a God’s will! What stranger or Argive will not greet us with such praise as “look, friends! Elektra And from what words did you discover this? Orestes Because I had no idea about the depth of your misfortune. Old Slave Greetings my Queen! It isn’t proper for me to do it. What right did they have to demand the sacrifice of my own offspring? Say what you like while he’s away. What did they say? Chorus Was it the hand of a mortal, or was it that of some god? I said Orestes is dead! In any case I, in fact, consider you more a tyrant than a mother. What of respect in the world? 990. Wretched me! Go over the labeled Venn diagram in which drama is compared to other fiction texts. Elektra There! Listen then to my advice! I’m asking you. Ah! You, Orestes are the only son of Agamemnon, the General who took the Greeks to Troy and fought the Trojans until that city fell. Legal from a legal marriage. Chorus To entangle him in the trap, Elektra, now that it’s open and then revenge will be easier taken. Elektra I’ll do what I want. 164. Klytaemestra Vain? There will be plenty of days and nights for you to find out about everything that happened today. Why say that? By the gods of our home, don’t fall into a disaster through lack of thought. Since everything is wonderful, I can go now. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 126dieses Werkes einen „ Monolog der Elektra bei Sophokles “ ?. Und ein Jahr später , also in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft von Der Tor und der Tod , entstand ... 400. Elektra Yes, because I live with murderers. Chrysothemis will not act to exact a just revenge unless she knows she can succeed, which, as of now, she feels she cannot. Well, now that I’ve let you say all you wanted to say, will you not let me even sacrifice without all these insults? 265. Elektra Ha! Tell me where are these strangers? Elektra opens the gates slowly, knowingly. Klytaemestra O, no! Divine power is helping us – what sort of recompense would I be paying to it if I acted otherwise? Shall we have the dead simply lie there, their blood not having been avenged with the spilling of his murderer’s blood? The dust rose high and the drivers, all close to one another goaded their horses, hoping to leave behind and get out of the way of the axles and the frenzied snorts of all the other chariots, because their wheels and their backs were covered with the froth of the breath of the other horses. Your father’s and mine, poor miserable woman. It cannot happen; so leave them please and cut a little from the tip of your platted hair and some of mine –the few that I have! Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Chorus of Argive Women (Older friends of Elektra), One Attendant to Aegisthus (male, silent). With what aim have you armed yourself, Elektra with such brashness? Is that right? I could not pay my debt to you by raising your burnt remnants from the flames of the all-destroying fire. 100. O, Lord Apollo hear their prayer and mine too. A God’s will has brought you to our halls! What share was his pain in her birth? Chorus It’s quite common that there is a delay when a deed is momentous. Orestes For your own deeds there is. Elektra With her hands, with starvation and with all other means. All are taken by Hades and so now we are left all alone in the world. No, let me go on, my friends. Klytaemestra is happy and lets out a chuckle of joy as she leaves. I can hear someone coming outside. Chorus Every single man is made so as to die, Elektra. Day and night, tirelessly I wait for Orestes. Firstly, for the sense of honour you’d have shown you would receive the respect of both, our father and our Orestes, both in Hades as well as here on earth. The living do not have graves. Chorus You can’t fight against those who are now in power. Chrysothemis They are mother’s offerings for our father. Like a trusty, pure-blood horse that no matter how old it is, when it senses danger, it doesn’t lose its courage and pricks its ears for the attack. Come then, my dear sister, help me for father’s sake! Chorus The herald to the gods helps him, hiding his plot within shadows so that the deed may be accomplished with no delay. I understand now. 480, Chorus Vengeance will come! From the Brittle Books digitization program at the Ohio State University Libraries. Elektra I believe you, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to live this long. Loathsome misfortune! More than all of them my own mother, the woman who gave me life, did me the gravest wrongs. Now all this has finished. Go! You’ve got to at least let me speak now about both, my father and my sister. A woman who murdered him without honour, who murdered him as if he were an enemy of hers, who had cut his corpse up into pieces and then, and then for the act of ablution she wiped the blood off with his hair! Chorus Ah, Argos! Chorus In this sort of matters careful planning is needed, Elektra, both by the person whose idea it is as well as by the person who receives the idea. Whereas you, your hatred is only a hatred in words and in fact you take sides with the murderers, whereas I, even if they gave me all those jewels you’re wearing, I would still never obey them. A palace bereft of friends! Elektra What a dreadful thing you are, Chrysothemis, to forget your father –and such a father!- and to think only of your mother! Im Buch gefunden – Seite 189Ribbeck , Zu Sophokles ' und Euripides ' Elektra , Leipziger Studien 8 , 1885 , 382-386 ... W. Schadewaldt , Monolog und Selbstgespräch , Neue Philologische ... And be careful, too, Elektra that, when we two enter the palace, our mother doesn’t suspect you from that happy face of yours! Ask him kindly to come from below the earth, to our aid against our enemies. Chorus And between the two of them, between cunning and lust they gave birth to a monstrous shape. 940. Take my word, that man will meet his ruin. Elektra Yes, that’s how it is but if you listen and do as I say, your pain will become lighter. If she could get a voice her answer would be loud and certain. Under the assumption that Clytemnestra will not find out, Chrysothemis agrees to do Electra's will. Elektra No one. She behaves as if the whole dreadful deed is a joke! I simply want to make sure your death is a bitter one and not how you would prefer it. Orestes That is something that you must do. Think about all this, and don’t blame me later, when you begin to suffer that punishment. Because what would be the point of gaining great fame in life if we die an infamous death? But now that Orestes is gone, you should work with me, be with me as we try to murder Aegisthus, the murderer of fathers. What is this news? Orestes Listen to me and you won’t be harmed. From whom did you hear this piece of news which you believe so strongly? Go into the palace and call Klytaemestra. Orestes My dearest friend. 620. Neben Sophokles verarbeiteten auch Aischylos und Euripides den Stoff um die Rache von Agamemnons Kindern. 530. Do you really think he’s coming or has he put it off again? And Lord, let no one conspire with others or plot against me to rob me of my livelihood, the wealth of the Atridae. Chorus And against the polluted passion of an unloving couple. Chorus Tell them below, voices, tell them that their house, the house of Agamemnon, is ill! Be happy if such news brings you happiness. Old Servant No, absolutely not! You have nothing left now except to grieve the loss of your father’s wealth and to age, year by year, tormented, never having known love nor marriage. Once again I must remain a slave to the most hated of people, those who have slaughtered my father. Chrysothemis Even before you spoke, ladies, if Elektra had her wits about her she would indeed be very careful! Chrysothemis Even your praises will mean nothing to me. Elektra, I’ve put aside every bit of shame and here I am running to bring you some respite from all these woes and grief that ailed you all this time. Or will you tell me that this is your own retribution for the loss of your daughter? A great deed needs the shadows and you are ready for the kill! I was surprised by this and I took a look around in case someone might appear from near by. However, he’s using hushed tones in case he is heard inside. Have no fear: the many years that have passed since you left the palace and the many years that have blossomed on your face will prevent anyone from recognising you. Elektra And those will never come from me. You can’t say I deserved this lengthy tirade because I had started whining! Im Buch gefunden – Seite 32... und meistens Klagen , wie in Prometheus und Sophokles ' Elektra . ... wie auch aus dem für die Einführung des Stückes festgelegten Monolog sieht man ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 61... Tagebuch der kleinen Bashkirtseff, 4. ein paar eigene Nuancen, 5. ein technisches Requisit von Shakespeare, 6. ein Monolog der Elektra bei Sophokles”“. Orestes, my brother, you were neither our mother’s most beloved child nor anyone else’s in the house. He has forgotten what our father has suffered and what he has been informed about me. You, too, daughters of the gods, revered Spirits of Justice who seek justice for those wrongfully murdered, for those whose marriage bed was secretly dishonoured –come all of you, bring me help, send my brother to avenge the murder of my father. Dearest, dearest memorial of my brother’s life! Chrysothemis You’re not listening to anything I’m saying. You will bring him Justice that is his due. 710, Orestes, now, being on the inside lane he kept his horses close to the pillar and scraping it each time he went past. 1090. And so I wait for Orestes. Hands that deceived and took my own life away, hands that brought about my own death. Where is my justice then? 42. Chorus Agamemnon, the lord of the underworld will not forget. 1180. Give it to her whoever she is, Pylades. Do what you have to. Well then, since this is the will of the Oracle, let me send you into the palace when that is possible, so that you can find out whatever is going on in there and then give us a clear picture of the situation. The dark night and her stars are now gone. Teach me the right way. 51. Take my body also. I know Phanoteas, he’s a good friend of ours so his news would be good. Orestes If Apollo dictated correctly, all things within the palace go well. 520. There was no other way for the Achaians to go anywhere –forward to Troy or backward to their home. It’s disrespectful for you to do so and it is wrong for a female enemy to make offerings and libations to our father. Clytemnestra is terrified about what the dream might suggest, and to pacify her murdered husband's spirit, or perhaps to show neglected respect, she has sent Chrysothemis with offerings to Agamemnon's grave. 3o5, Faced with such evilness, my friends, it is not proper to behave towards them politely and with respect. Your dire journey here, is my disaster, my true disaster! But Electra beseeches her sister not to bring Clytemnestra's offerings to the grave, but instead to offer Agamemnon a prayer for herself and for her brother and sister, and for the return of Orestes to avenge their father's death. Aegisthus Ah! We use cookies for social media and essential site functions. And as for the tears of joy, now that I’ve seen you how could they ever stop? Was it Agamemnon? Don't send me away in shame but let me become a worthy ruler of my house and of my estate. Offer it to her. Explain this, then Elektra: What was the point of the sacrifice? I see a sight that could not have appeared without divine intervention but, God, if you are to punish me for my words, I take them back. How can I not go on lamenting my unhappy father’s ill luck? Still, so long as my eyes can see the stars with their brilliant rays, so long as I can see this daylight, I won’t stop my hateful crying and my songs of misery. Death is not such a dreadful thing but it is dreadful to seek it but not be able to attain it. Orestes I would be very angry at anyone who wished that! No army. I shall do as you please. Chrysothemis Ha, ha! I enjoy it enormously! Orestes Poor woman! The chorus has been present onstage during the encounter between Electra and Chrysothemis. We must obey Apollo’s commands. Chrysothemis Do as I say and not as you want and you’ll remember me one day. Old Slave To tell it in two words, Orestes is dead! 1020. I have spread open my arms in prayer to you often enough before. Monologues and scenes for training and auditions. How could you? It’s such a stupid thing to go chasing false hopes! A rocky tomb. Gods and land of my fathers welcome me into your streets! Ah, my Orestes! She stomps her foot, indicating the underworld. Too sorely oppressed; but, for necessity. Elektra, I implore you! Elektra I could tell you better if you told me what it was she saw. 660. Elektra tries to hold him in her arms, or to touch his cheeks, etc, while Orestes moves back.). About this, know well that if I could bring him here now, I would. A többi kegyelem címen mutattam be Pilinszky János emlékét megidéző versműsoromat, a költő születésének kilencvenedik évfordulóján, 2011 november 25.-én este 6-kor a Tibor Ernő Galériában.

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elektra sophokles monolog