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La Gioconda Olivier Py

There is nothing but death in the canals of Venice, and the sky is definitively extinguished.Not only is Barnaba so drunk with power and influence that he has psychologically destroyed his mentor, Alvise, but he to rule in a world of such darkness as to cancel out God - this God whom the blind man sees, whom La Gioconda calls, whom Laura respects, whom Enzo fears and whom Alvise is familiar with in his power. The young man is in conflict with the people who demand loud and clear that the old woman be lynched.Alvise Badoero, one of the Inquisition's leaders, and his masked wife, Laura Adorno, come to see the cause of the disturbance. The mood of revelry is shattered as a funeral bell begins to toll and Laura still body is revealed. Opéra de Toulon. D’une écriture convulsive en Arial noir, corps 16, gras, souligné, Olivier Py convoque ses vieux démons et exorcise des angoisses déjà partagées à maintes reprises. As Barnaba is about to have her arrested, Enzo tries to defend her. Hearing these words, Zuàne's supporters shout that La Cieca is a witch and that she should be executed. The music works perfectly with the striking image of a naked man, with an oversized grotesque clown head, bathing himself while a group of dancers cross the stage using chairs as a self-constructing bridge above the black water. In gratitude, La Cieca offers her rosary to Laura.Barnaba makes Enzo understand that he holds him at his mercy: the spy knows that the young man is the outcast Enzo Grimaldo who has returned to Venice in secret, and that his relationship with La Gioconda is only to disguise his true love for Laura.Once Enzo has gone to prepare for his rendez-vous with Laura that night, Barnaba dictates an anonymous letter to Alvise telling him of Laura's plan to escape with the outcast. Anyone can modernise an opera. Barnaba wants to debase its beauty just as he wants to degrade La Gioconda's, who is a metaphor for the people. For the past ten years, he has also devoted himself to staging opera, notably working at the Grand Théâtre de Genève, l’Opéra de Lyon, l’Opéra national de Paris, l’Opéra national du Rhin and La Monnaie.Opening Gala - 10th International Moniuszko Vocal Competition

One of the losers, Zuàne, has difficulty accepting his defeat. Average staging rating. Bruxelles. Olivier Py. Average score. While Homodei is only a cog in the original drama, Barnaba is the drama of the opera. Barnaba, a spy and former informant of the Inquisition, watches over the festivities. Saal 1. La Gioconda, l’opéra le plus connu d’Amilcare Ponchielli (et peut-être le seul), se déroule dans la ville de Venise du XVIIème siècle, mais Olivier Py, le toujours surprenant Directeur du Festival d’Avignon, ne nous donne pas à voir une vision romantique de la ville avec ses églises et ses gondoles mais opte au contraire pour un décor noir et inquiétant. The singer exchanges her rival’s deadly beverage with a powerful drug that will plunge the young woman into a deep sleep that gives the illusion of death.Checking up on his wife, Alvise finds Laura's body on the catafalque next to the empty vial.

It is the end of an era; the Verdian drama, with its foolish hope for democracy, its confidence in the integrity of the street, its faith in history, is no longer of concern in a twilighting Europe.From this, Boito exalts a perfume of nocturnal celebration and decomposition. She points out to him the Venetian galleys that are surrounding his boat. In desperation, the outcast sets fire to his boat and swims away.While a ball gets under way in the Ca' d'Oro, one of the richest palaces along the Grand Canal of Venice, Alvise plots revenge against his wife. It is either staged in its classical version, which doesn't necessarily appeal to young audiences in search of flashy, special effects theatrical tendencies, or it goes through a painful process of forced modernisation that frequently fails at reinventing the story. In romantic terms, that is how the dark city fascinates and invites us to meditate on evil. Order by: ... La Gioconda. Worst performance La Gioconda. He shows Laura a catafalque that waits to receive her and he hands her a vial of poison to drink before the end of the ball.La Gioconda has found her way into the palace and finds Laura alone just as she is about to ingest the poison. If these three wonderful singers manage to push the boundaries of acting through song beyond what is usually done in opera, which is usually not much, one can't say the same thing about Silvia Tro Santafé, who, in spite of a fairly rich voice, is unfortunately much more into fabricating false emotions rather than transforming herself into the needed character of Laura.

Her heart is broken, while Barnaba is happy: as a spy, he considers himself more powerful than the doge.Enzo waits aboard his boat while the crew prepares for departure. Rehearsals f... Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra I get all sorts of mail, people sending my information on concerts and recordings. In despair, La Gioconda grabs her rival’s rosary. His music is neither pre-What if everything is getting worse and worse because of man’s desire to be crowned above the mysteries of the Being? 87.

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La Gioconda Olivier Py