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templo mayor mexico

The carved stone disk had been uncovered that depicted the dismembered body of the moon goddess Coyolxauqhui, sister of Huitzilopochtli (sun god) and daughter of Coatlicue (the earth goddess).Another legend suggests that the temple is constructed on top of two caves that are filled with a primordial water, home to Huehueteotl, the ancient god of fire and lord of time who occupied the center of the earth. Calle Seminario 8, Centro Histórico Ciudad de México Durante i lavori di costruzione di una linea della metro nel centro di Città del Messico, nella seconda metà del XX secolo, avvenne uno dei più grandi ritrovamenti archeologici della città, il Templo Mayor azteco.

el templo mayor mexicas mexico tenochtitlan Museo del Templo Mayor templo mayor templo mayor tenochtitlan tenochtitlan Ver comentarios Compartir. Dal 1987 è aperto anche il Scraping the dirt away, construction workers noticed it was an unusual sculpture. La costruzione del Templo Mayor fu iniziata nel 1337 subito dopo la fondazione della città, ma il grande santuario venne ricostruito e ampliato almeno altre sette volte, inglobando le strutture piú antiche.

Diverse offerings were brought to this sacred place as a result of conquests and tributes. In the first five years archaeologists recovered more than 6,000 pieces from the site — the best of which are now on display at the museum. México Desconocido Conoce México, sus tradiciones y costumbres, pueblos mágicos, zonas arqueológicas, playas y hasta la comida mexicana. Museo y Zona Arqueológica del Templo Mayor. Senza dubbio, con l’arrivo dei conquistatori spagnoli tutti i templi e i villaggi aztechi sono stati distrutti per costruire, con le sue pietre, nuove chiese e palazzi.

Durante i lavori di costruzione di una linea della metro nel centro di Città del Messico, nella seconda metà del XX secolo, avvenne uno dei più grandi ritrovamenti archeologici della città, il The award-winning site is geared toward conscious travelers, hosts and everyone inbetween seeking practical suggestions in the realm of eco-friendly, people-friendly, and place-friendly travel . Because of its cultural and religious value, the temple was destroyed by Cortés after the Spanish defeated the Aztecs.At its height, the capital of the Aztec empire had a population of 250,000 — one of the largest cities of the world at the time.Developed by Ron Mader in 1994 as a reporter’s notebook, Planeta.com pioneered online reporting focusing on conscious travel around the globe.

Anche se severamente danneggiato, il Templo Mayor di Tenochtitlán conserva gli strati più antichi della piramide e numerosi tesori, come sculture maya, gioielli in oro, e maschere di giada e pietra turchese. The temple integrates symbols of water, earth, sun, and sky — natural elements honored by all Mesoamerican civilizations.The Aztecs constructed the temple to be not simply a fabricated structure, but an equal partner in the natural order of things.

After nearly 500 years, Mexico was about to uncover the great Templo Mayor, the focal point of the Aztec Empire and the heart of Tenochtitlán.

La dualidad hombre /mujer, punto de partida de la cosmovisión mesoamericana, en la que ambos se complementan y se necesitan para existir, dando continuidad al ciclo de vida, es el hilo conductor de la exposición temporal "Semillas de vida. In building their pyramid on this visionary site, the Aztecs honored sacred space.The Templo Mayor was the sacred mountain and sacrificial altar for the Aztecs.

One of our best sellers in Mexico City! Die Ausgrabungsstätte und das archäologische Museum des Templo Mayor befindet sich mitten in der historischen Altstadt von Mexico City, zwei Strassen entfernt von bei der Plaza de la Constitución, bei der Metrostation Zócalo.

In the heart of Mexico City, just 10 minutes’ walk from the Historic Center and the Metropolitan Cathedral, Hotel Templo Mayor … Die Öffnungszeiten sind von Dienstag bis Sonntag von 9:00 – 17:00 Uhr.

Tenochtitlán era una città prosperosa, con palazzi e templi di grande ricchezza.

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templo mayor mexico